One breath at a time
I hold onto a glimpse of everything in this world
All the smell, all the tastes, all the touch
Wetness of fog
How oddly green the grass looks
Sound of the air
Roughness of rocks
Because my time is limited
I may have another day, or another moment.
I don’t know how long it lasts
When I feel how hard and lonely this journey is
I remember we are all on our little boats
Dimly lit by our little lamp
We can only see a foot ahead
But I see many dimly lit boats a foot around me
We’re all heading towards the same direction
But we don’t know where it’s heading
All I know is that we need to keep rowing
Because we need to keep growing
This world, they say it’s an illusion
Maybe it is, maybe it ain’t
But I can feel content either way if I know this moment is all I’ve got
I’ve decided to live with this totally raw way of living
One breath at a time
Until my breath runs out.
Tomomi Kojima is a registered yoga teacher and poet. See her website to
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this poem. "All I know is that we must keep rowing" is a nice statement. Far too often we are so worried about destination that we lose site of what we need to do today, which is "row the oars of life." I also view minfulness as a sail to ease the fatigue of rowing. The poem touches nicely on desire, impermenance, and cyclical living in a straight-forward way. The one peice I would say often not touched on in minfulness is that an awakening to this world, can also be an awakening to the ills that exist in it. Minfulness of course does not lead to a care free life of bliss, it also opens us up to those around us that are struggling and may be able to benefit from our own new insight to this amazing world. May love & light shine within you and through you always!